Friday, February 20, 2015

Written in the Stars - Week of February 20

Mars and Venus in Aries — Powerful magic occurs when the planetary polar opposites link up in the sign of the conqueror. Impulsive desires, dynamic demonstrations and daring displays are likely now. Express! Just don't explode!

March 21 — April 19
Keep the big picture in mind this week, Aries, no matter what distractions may come up. If that big picture is looking a little intimidating or complex at the moment, you can benefit hugely from input from your closest loved ones and partners. Resist the urge to keep whatever you consider to be "flaws" to yourself — your humility and sense of humor take you a long way this week and your stars say that your trademark honesty will serve you better than any slick obfuscation. Be clear, reach out and accept help. You can't lose.

April 20 — May 20
A change is coming over you, Taurus, and you're already feeling it. Soon you'll be seeing the changes in concrete ways around you. Have your friends been looking at you differently? Or has your view changed? Whatever the case, you must trust yourself above all others this week. Your intuition is keen now, and if you combine this with your usual perceptiveness, you can get a handle on the big choice that's coming up for you. Where are you going and who is going with you?

May 21 — June 21
It's not just about what you say, Gemini, but also about how you say it. It's forecast that you'll be getting some close contact with some powerful figures this week and your way of relating to them could have long-term effects. Whether you're pitching an idea to the boss, seeking investments from backers or leading a team, a little extra charm and panache will take you a long way. Mars and Venus are lending you equal parts of spark and charm, so make the most of this astrological Spanish Fly!

June 22 — July 22
It's time to raise your standards, Cancer, and remain true to them no matter what strange or sudden events come up this week. (And they will.) You'll likely be held up as an example to others this week in one way or another, so the more you adhere to your highest ideals the whole way, the better you will fare. Underhanded or hidden motives tend to come out under this influence, but so do hidden rewards! Keep yourself on the straight and narrow, and be sure others do the same. The future looks bright — keep plugging away.

July 23 — Aug. 22
You're on fire this week, Leo, and your brightness can be seen from miles away. Your powers of attraction are on high, so don't be surprised when it seems like everyone wants a piece of you — even a star like you might get a little dizzy from the spotlight. The secret to your draw is the increase in energy and motivation you're feeling — the planets are paving the way for you to create and share what only you can. Don't allow yourself to be rushed. Planning for the future will pay off in a big way — chart your new course!

Aug. 23 — Sept. 22
Don't be so hard on yourself, Virgo — nobody's perfect. It's possible that you could over-extend yourself this week, or find yourself disappointed your progress, or someone else's. Refuse to fall into a rut of negativity or blame — this is actually an opportunity in disguise. If your methods aren't producing the desired result, reconsider your approach. You have great financial fortune coming down the pipeline, and whether you know it or not, the events are already in motion. Trust yourself and your allies — share your load.

Sept. 23 — Oct. 22
Time to put your money where your mouth is, Libra. No, really. Your stars indicate that major financial gains come to you now when you "get serious" about communicating. Saturn's roosting in your House of Expression, insisting that you focus and cut the proverbial fat. If you strike while the iron is hot, you are sure to grow by leaps and bounds. Do your actions all have deep meaning for you? Interview yourself this week — what are your desires? Where do you see yourself when you imagine a perfect future? Make it so.

Oct. 23 — Nov. 21
Temptation is tough for you to resist at times, Scorpio — because, after all, why would you? Right now you may be tempted to coast on your skills, since you can make it look so easy. However, when your chart is looking this great, and life can go this smoothly, it's actually the best time for you to take the bull by the horns and capitalize on your progress. Continue to play it cool for now and keep your aspirations close to your chest — but it's definitely time to get in the driver's seat and go after what you truly want. 

Nov. 22 — Dec. 21
Consider your circle of friends, family and associates, Sagittarius. Are any of them rubbing you the wrong way lately? For the next week, I'd like you to try an experiment. Regard everyone who comes into your sphere as a perfect teacher — whether they appear to be or not. The Universe is sending you messengers, allies, conflicts and attractions — it's going to be a social week without a doubt. Increased wealth and resources are forecast when you trust your intuition and act on it without fear. Plan your work, work your plan and accept the help that arrives.

Dec. 22 — Jan. 19
You have a more widespread influence than you know, Capricorn, and you should start taking advantage of it now to see the kind of rewards you would like. There's been so much electricity in the air lately that it's been easy to become sidetracked or weighed down, but with the Nodes of Destiny riding through your personal House of Destiny… the importance of the actions you take now can't be overstated. As a matter of fact, everything you do now holds weight and promises legacy. How do you want to be remembered?

Jan. 20 — Feb. 18
How do you feel about the phrase, "An eye for an eye," Aquarius? Your cool head can sometimes run a little cold and regrettable words or actions are often the result. Jupiter is stumbling through our House of Partners, indicating that you might be experiencing some discordant interactions, or some envy. Despite what others do, your stars implore you to take the high road. You're in your high cycle, so everything you say and do is amplified. You have more powerful allies than enemies — invest your energy there.

Feb. 19 — March 20
What are you waiting for, Pisces? The Universe has done everything but provide you with a written invitation to get moving and "put yourself out there." You're more of an authority than you give yourself credit for — in what ways are you limiting yourself? Are you critiquing your project before you allow it to even come to fruition? Take action this week that you know will create positive, concrete results. Every good step you take now comes with an extra dose of momentum. Learn from the past, but keep moving forward.

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